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obs-websocket 4.7.0

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@Palakis Palakis released this 12 Nov 09:57

Only use this release with OBS 23 or above!

Changes since 4.6.1

Install instructions


  • Using the installer (recommended, works only with combined 32/64-bit installations) : download it, launch it and follow the instructions.
  • Using the archive : copy the contents of the archive to the root of your OBS Studio installation folder (either C:\Program Files\obs-studio or C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio).

Debian / Ubuntu (64-bit)

  • Manual install: Download obs-websocket_4.7.0-1_amd64.deb and install it on your system.


Download and run obs-websocket-4.7.0-macOS.pkg.
Note: the installer package is now digitally signed, so macOS shouldn't complain. However, if it is the case and a security alert pops up when trying to launch the installer, go to the "Security & Privacy" panel under macOS Settings and click "Open Anyway".