obs = obslua ffi = require("ffi") -- Global variables local G = { lock = false, start_delay = 3, duration = 0, noise = 999, tick = 16, tick_mili = 16 * 0.001, interval_sec = 0.05, tick_acc = 0, source_name = "Audio", -- Changed from "Mic" to "Audio" speach_source_name = "speach", volmeter = nil, threshold = -50, -- Adjust this value to set the dB threshold is_speach_visible = false } -- FFI declarations ffi.cdef[[ typedef struct obs_source obs_source_t; typedef struct obs_volmeter obs_volmeter_t; obs_source_t *obs_get_source_by_name(const char *name); void obs_source_release(obs_source_t *source); obs_volmeter_t *obs_volmeter_create(int fader_type); void obs_volmeter_destroy(obs_volmeter_t *volmeter); bool obs_volmeter_attach_source(obs_volmeter_t *volmeter, obs_source_t *source); typedef void (*obs_volmeter_callback_t)(void *param, const float magnitude[4], const float peak[4], const float input_peak[4]); void obs_volmeter_add_callback(obs_volmeter_t *volmeter, obs_volmeter_callback_t callback, void *param); void obs_volmeter_remove_callback(obs_volmeter_t *volmeter, obs_volmeter_callback_t callback, void *param); ]] local obsffi = ffi.load("obs") -- Volmeter callback local function volmeter_callback(param, magnitude, peak, input_peak) G.noise = tonumber(peak[0]) end -- Function to show/hide the "speach" source local function toggle_speach_source(should_show) local current_scene = obs.obs_frontend_get_current_scene() local scene = obs.obs_scene_from_source(current_scene) local scene_item = obs.obs_scene_find_source(scene, G.speach_source_name) if scene_item ~= nil then obs.obs_sceneitem_set_visible(scene_item, should_show) G.is_speach_visible = should_show print(string.format("Source '%s' is now %s.", G.speach_source_name, should_show and "visible" or "hidden")) else print("Source not found: " .. G.speach_source_name) end obs.obs_source_release(current_scene) end -- Event loop local function event_loop() G.duration = G.duration + G.tick_mili if G.duration > G.start_delay then if not G.lock then print("Setting up volmeter") local source = obsffi.obs_get_source_by_name(G.source_name) G.volmeter = obsffi.obs_volmeter_create(2) -- OBS_FADER_LOG obsffi.obs_volmeter_add_callback(G.volmeter, volmeter_callback, nil) if obsffi.obs_volmeter_attach_source(G.volmeter, source) then obsffi.obs_source_release(source) G.lock = true print("Attached to source") end else G.tick_acc = G.tick_acc + G.tick_mili if G.tick_acc > G.interval_sec then if G.noise > G.threshold and not G.is_speach_visible then toggle_speach_source(true) elseif G.noise <= G.threshold and G.is_speach_visible then toggle_speach_source(false) end G.tick_acc = 0 end end end end -- Script description function script_description() return "Script to show/hide 'speach' source based on audio levels." end -- Script load function function script_load(settings) obs.timer_add(event_loop, G.tick) end -- Script unload function function script_unload() if G.volmeter then obsffi.obs_volmeter_remove_callback(G.volmeter, volmeter_callback, nil) obsffi.obs_volmeter_destroy(G.volmeter) print("Removed volmeter & volmeter_callback") end end