ChatterBot uses your windows Text to Speech voice (or additional 3rd party Text to speech voices like those from Ivona) to read out your twitch text chat.
Using a custom database, Chatterbot can be taught how to say those difficult words and those difficult to pronounce twitch viewer names - by simply adding them to the dictionary.
Custom Greetings can be set to welcome viewers to your stream.
Great for streamers who use VR and have trouble reading chat due to the text size, also great for streamers who get immersed in their gaming and forget their viewers are chatting to them!
FREE Trial for 7 days
Just £10 to purchase the full version
Using a custom database, Chatterbot can be taught how to say those difficult words and those difficult to pronounce twitch viewer names - by simply adding them to the dictionary.
Custom Greetings can be set to welcome viewers to your stream.
Great for streamers who use VR and have trouble reading chat due to the text size, also great for streamers who get immersed in their gaming and forget their viewers are chatting to them!
FREE Trial for 7 days
Just £10 to purchase the full version